(The Rules in this section are to apply to all teams and to be voted on by all Team Delegates)
1) The name of the League (hereinafter called the “League”) shall be the “Southend, District and Ex-Service Darts League”.
2) The object for which the League has been established (for Men in the Men’s League and Ladies in the Ladies League) is to promote and conduct inter-team Competitions and championship events between affiliated teams.
3) Application for membership to the League must be made by each team on the official application form. This must be sent to the Honorary Secretary for submission to the League Executive Committee.
4) The Committee officers of the league shall consist of the President, Chairman, Men’s Vice-Chairman, Ladies Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Records Secretary. This Committee shall manage the league. The Committee Officers shall be elected at the AGM of the league. Such officers shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
Anyone who wishes to stand for the posts of Chairman, Men’ Vice-Chairman, Ladies Vice-Chairman, Hon. General Secretary, Treasurer or Records Secretary, must apply in writing. The application must be received by the Hon. General Secretary by the Delegate Meeting held in either March or April before the AGM they wish to stand in.
5) The league committee shall consist of one delegate from each team. This delegate shall be entitled to one vote per team. It shall be the duty of each delegate to attend all the meetings of the league to represent their team and to report back on the committee proceedings. Other members may attend and participate in the meetings but cannot cast a vote. Teams failing to send a delegate shall be fined.
6) The Committee Officers shall have the power to form sub-committees as necessary.
7) The A.G.M. shall be held every year. It shall be open to all players officially registered with the League. Any team seeking membership of the League or any team wishing to continue membership of the League must attend the A.G.M.
8) A special general Meeting may be called if the Committee Officers deem necessary or if requested by a minimum of a third of the affiliated teams.
9) Any suggestions for the alterations to the rules shall be submitted to the Honorary General Secretary in writing not later than the April Delegate meeting. The Committee Officers may introduce Emergency Rules and Emergency Rule Amendments at any time. Any Emergency Rules or Emergency Rule amendments must be ratified at the following A.G.M. by delegates. If ratified, the rule will become permanent.
10) All resolutions and decisions of the League Committee made at an A.G.M. OR a Special General Meeting shall be binding on all affiliated teams and may only be revised at the A.G.M.
11) All matters relating to the League, whether administrative or financial, should be addressed to the Honorary General Secretary.
12) All trophies shall remain the property of the League but are the responsibility of any affiliated team holding them. All League perpetual trophies must remain in the pub/club of the winning team/player concerned. Damage or loss of perpetual trophies shall be the liability of the winning team.
13) Any Perpetual trophy shall be held by the winning team for the following season. It must be returned to the Honorary General Secretary on request or, in any case, not later than the April Delegate meeting of the following season. Teams who do not comply with this will incur a fine at the discretion of the Committee Officers. Any team who hold League trophies and who do not seek re-election to the League must return the trophies immediately. All trophies must be returned in a clean state.
14) All Teams will pay an affiliation fee before the AGM prior to the commencement of the league season. Any new teams must also pay an additional deposit, returnable after completion of one year’s fixtures.
15) An individual player registration fee shall be paid by the first League meeting. Each registered Team shall receive three league handbooks and a Team Fixture List.
16) Each team affiliated to the League will, if required, purchase, and be accountable for payment of five Presentation Dance Tickets and a contribution towards raffle prizes to be raffled at the dance. These tickets are to be paid for at the same time as the singles/doubles etc.
17) Each team affiliated to the League will, if required, pay towards a prize draw. This to be paid with player’s registration fee. The Committee Officers will arrange to carry out a draw for each Division.
18) All forms and monies for Team Registration, Player Registration, all ancillary competitions, Xmas Raffle and Dance Tickets, where applicable, must be lodged with the League General Secretary by the due date as stated by the Committee Officers at Delegate Meetings or the AGM. Failure to do so may result in a 10-point deduction or expulsion from the league for the defaulting Team, depending on the severity of the non-compliance.
19) Each club/pub entering more than one team shall consider each team a separate organisation.
20) If the majority of a team already in the League are moving to a new venue for the following season, the status of the team (i.e. Division playing in) will remain the same. Any player staying at the original venue will need to apply to join the league as a new team, although the joining fee will be waived.
21) Each team shall nominate players for position of Captain, Vice Captain and Secretary. If non-playing members are nominated for any of these positions, they will not be eligible to play in any competitions.
22) Teams will submit their initial player registrations list on the ‘player application form’ provided to delegates at the A.G.M. by the date stated at the meeting.
23) Teams may subsequently register new players using the ‘New Player Registration’ Form up to 24 hours prior to the 4th from last league game of the season. No new registrations will be accepted beyond this point in time.
24) Teams must use the official form(s) to register players. Forms and Monies using the ‘New Player Registration Form’ must be in the possession of the League General Secretary no later than 24 hours prior to the commencement of the match the team wish to play the player in (prior to the cut-off point as stated in the previous rule).
25) A player, once registered for a team can only change:
· With the consent of both teams involved.
· Before the commencement of the League programme, except in the event of a team withdrawing from the League a player may, without further payment re-register with another team at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
· If he has not played in the first half of the season and the change is to take place before the commencement of the second half of the season. Any changes can only take place with the consent of both Captains.
26) Any team playing a player not registered in accordance with rules 21 to 24, shall forfeit the match and at the earliest opportunity be penalised by a further two league points. In ancillary competitions they shall forfeit the match only.
27) The League fixtures shall be arranged by the Hon. General Secretary and submitted to the League Executive for their approval.
28) Match play night will be Tuesday for the men’s divisions and Wednesday for the ladies’ divisions, matches must be played in strict accordance with the fixture list.
29) If a Team needs to, in extreme circumstances, postpone a Match, the steps below must be followed:
· The Captain postponing the match must first inform the opposing Captain at the earliest opportunity.
· The Honorary General Secretary must be informed immediately after.
· The Captain who postponed the match must take responsibility to re-arrange it at the convenience of the opposing team.
· Once a date is confirmed, the Captain who postponed the original match must inform the Honorary General Secretary of the new date.
The following will apply if required:
· If a match is postponed within 24 hours of the start date and time, the team postponing the match will be liable to a Late Postponement compensation payment to the opposing team to cover costs of providing refreshments.
· A team may postpone a maximum of 2 matches per season. Any matches postponed by that team after that will result in a 2-point deduction for every subsequent postponement and the team officials will be liable to Disciplinary action by the Committee which may result, in extreme circumstances, of a ban of those officials, and/or the team, from the league.
· If a new date cannot be agreed between the teams, the Committee Officers will set a date.
· In extreme weather conditions, deemed so by the Committee Officers, this rule may be relaxed at the Committee Officers discretion.
30) Teams MUST fulfil a Fixture if they have a minimum of 4 available players (Men’s) or 3 available players (Women).
31) In the event of a team lodging a complaint or protest against another Team, the result card must be marked PLAYED UNDER PROTEST and duly signed. The complaint shall be accompanied by an enquiry fee that will be refunded if the complaint is upheld.
32) Except when teams are to visit a registered club, no notification by the visiting team is necessary. However, it is a requirement of law that a list of members must be forwarded 48 hours before a fixture to the dart team secretary. Failure to comply with this rule could result in a team being refused entry to a registered Club.
33) Failure by any Team to fulfil their fixtures in full will result in disciplinary action by the Committee Officers and, apart from the points deduction under the rules, may result in further fines or in extreme circumstances, expulsion from the league.
34) All matches shall be played on a standard board - doubles, trebles, 25 and 50, hung 5’ 8” from the centre of the “Bull” to the floor and the throw measured 7’ 91/4” along the floor from a plumb line suspended from the “Bull”.
*Teams are to provide a sufficiently raised oche to prevent encroachment of the mark by players.
36) The exact number must be thrown and if a player obtains more than his requisite number with any one or more of his three darts the score shall not count. On his next throw, the original number must be thrown for.
37) The 50 or “Bull” shall count as double 25 and shall be recognised as a double game shot.
38) Markers and referees shall be initially agreed upon. Marking shall be generally undertaken alternately by a member of the home and visiting teams, one team supplying the marker and the other the referee for each individual game.
39) No dart shall count unless the point is actually touching the board when the score is called. Darts are to be withdrawn by the player and a score shall not be amended after the darts are withdrawn.
40) No call shall be made, or information given, except by the referee. The referee may inform the player of the number he requires to finish the game ONLY IF HE IS ASKED BY THE PLAYER CONCERNED.
41) To be played for by all accredited team Secretaries and Captains as printed in League Handbook. All teams must notify the League Secretary of any changes regarding Secretary, Captain and Vice-Captain. Captain and Secretaries Cup can only be played by Secretary and Captain or Secretary and Vice-Captain. Any teams not named all three positions will not be eligible to enter competition.
42) Format of play for the competition will be as pair's competition.
43) No substitutes are allowed in this competition after the first rounds.
44) A Single Draw will take place on the night of the competition.
45) Entrance fee will be required per person.
46) To be eligible for this competition, players must have either played and/or attended half of all league matches with their team.
47) All entrants shall be present and ready to play by 8.30 p.m.
48) No player arriving after 8.30 p.m. shall be allowed to play.
49) No player may compete at another venue unless prior knowledge and approval by the committee 48 hours in advance.
50) Order of play will be drawn by League Officials of players entered in the competition. A single draw will take place on the night.
51) Each game shall consist of the best of three legs, 501 up (Men), 401 up (Ladies) “straight” start, and finishing on a double.
52) The rules and conditions of play are as those laid down for league matches except that Rule 23 shall read “Markers and Referees” to be nominated by Officials at each venue.
53) Entrance fee will be required per person.
54) To be eligible for the pair’s competition, players must have played and/or attended half of all league matches with their team. Under special circumstances, a player may be allowed entry to the competition having played and/or attended less games but only after approval by the committee.
55) All entrants shall be present and ready to play by 8.30 p.m. A single draw will be held on the night of the competition.
56) No player arriving after 8.30 p.m. shall be allowed to play.
57) Each game shall consist of the best of three legs, each leg shall consist of 501 up for men’s pairs, and 401 (501 finals) up for Ladies.
58) Each pair once registered with the League Secretary shall not be changed except by the League Secretary.
59) Any registered player not entered in the competition can be included, if in attendance at a venue. Entry fee to be paid to venue runner.
60) Men’s/Woman’s pairs. Players may only play with own team members.
61) In Individual & Pairs, there must be a minimum of 8 players entering the Competition in order for that Competition to go ahead.
62) Awarded to players with the highest check out score in League matches only.
63) Score must be entered on both result cards and witnessed by both Captains.
(The Rules in this section are to apply to Men’s Teams only and to be voted on by Men’s Team Delegates only)
64) The top division will always consist of an even number of teams so as to avoid any bye weeks.
65) The competition shall be run on a league basis, to be played before normal League matches. Four Pairings are picked by the Captain and drawn by the opposing Captain. Pairings and Results to be marked on the Scorecard.
66) Each Pairs play a single leg of 601 up, straight start, double finish. Order of play as League procedure.
67) At the time the pairings are drawn, the Captain shall specify which player is to go first and the names shall be entered on the card in that order. The player first named in a pairing will be the player to throw first for the Bullseye.
68) Players may play in one pair only (ALL PAIRS MUST BE PLAYED). If the team has less than eight players then the games are forfeited where a pair cannot be made and the opposing Captain may pick his byes.
69) All matches shall be scheduled to start at 8.30 p.m. unless mutually agreed to commence earlier. All venues to have a practise board, not immediately adjacent to the match board. If it is not possible to have a practise board, the match board is to be open to all players once there are two or more players from the opposition in attendance.
70) No player arriving after 9 p.m. shall be allowed to play unless agreed by both Captains. Captain’s agreement should only be used in the event that a player requires going on early or a player is arriving late to make up the match requirement of 8 players. In the event that a team has 8 or more players present when the draw is done, no further players will be allowed to be entered into the draw unless they are in attendance by 9pm.
71) Any team that are expelled or resign from the League shall have their record expunged.
72) The official scorecards only shall be used and shall be signed by both captains. Both teams are responsible for sending the completed cards to the Records Secretary immediately after the game. All alterations to scorecards must be initialled by both Captains.
73) Prior to the commencement of a match the Captain shall print the names on the official scorecards and the games shall be played in the order entered thereon. No alteration to the order of play is to be made after the commencement of a match without the consent of both Captains. Byes must be marked on the cards first, from the bottom up. Marking the name of the player present from that team first, and then marking the word ‘BYE’ in the opponent’s column. No names of missing players shall be marked on the card. In the event of a game being put back and consequently not played, the name of the missing player must be crossed out and the word ‘BYE’ written beside it.
Team members who do not play but attend the match shall be marked on the card as proof of attendance.
74) If a player who is drawn and marked on the card, subsequently does not play his Game, the opposing player will receive a 2-0 win.
75) The League Records Secretary must be notified of the Match Result and Pairs Result from matches no later than 48 hours following the completion of the Match. (By 11pm Thursdays). Failure to do so will render the notifying team liable to a fine.
All result cards from League matches are to be sent, scanned and sent by email or a photo taken and sent by the whatsapp phone application to the League Records Secretary by midday Monday following matches. Failure to do so will render the sender liable to a fine. All other competition results to be sent to the league Records Secretary.
76) Teams should consist of 8 players on each side and a match should consist of 8 single games. If the both teams are short of players then the number of games will be played accordingly. Draw for games will take place after Pairs competition. If either side are short at time of draw the game concerned may be put back in order of play if both Captains agree and held until 9 p.m. at which time the reserve will play. If reserve not available, game to opponent. In the result of Team(s) having less than 8 players, byes must be used to fill the gaps. Teams with a numerical advantage will be allowed to pick the byes prior to the draw being made. Where a Captain has identified a player or players to receive a bye, the player(s) name(s) is withdrawn from the draw. In the event of both sides having an even number of players short, the byes will be paired together, and the match will consist of 7 games (or 6, or 5 etc.). Once the byes have been picked and marked on the card as stated in the rules, the remaining names will be entered into the draw.
77) Each game shall be the best of three legs, 501 up “straight” start, and finishing on a double. EACH GAME SHALL BE STARTED BY THROW AT THE CENTRE (FIRST DART TO BE THROWN BY AWAY TEAM PLAYER). WINNER OF THROW TO START FIRST LEG, LOSER OF THROW TO START SECOND LEG. IF GAME GOES TO A THIRD LEG THEN LOSER OF SECOND LEG THROWS FIRST FOR CENTRE. If the first player hits the bullseye then the dart should be removed. If the first player hits the 25 ring, the dart must be left in or removed only at the request of the second player.
78) Two points shall be awarded for a win and one point for a draw.
79) In the event of a tie on points, game difference, then games for, then wins, then legs for, then legs against and, if still equal, by points gained, then wins, then game difference, then games for, then legs for, then legs against between the two Teams involved, shall decide a Championship and the position in a Division. If all records are still equal between the teams concerned, they will play off at a neutral venue. The time and place to be decided by the Executive Committee.
80) Entrance fee required per team. All teams to enter, money to be paid with registration fee.
81) Teams shall consist of 9 players on each side, all of whom must be registered players of the team for the season concerned.
82) The Rules and Conditions of Play are those laid down for League matches.
Each match shall consist of the best of three legs, 401 up (Semi-Finals and Final to be 501 up), double start and finish.
(The Rules in this Section are to apply to Ladies Teams only and to be voted on by Ladies Team Delegates only)
83) Only two registered super league players may register for any one team in a season. Teams shall forfeit any matches and be penalised by a further two league points for every game that this rule has been breached. In ancillary competitions they shall forfeit the last match in which this rule was breached.
84) All division 1 matches shall be scheduled to start at 8.30 p.m. unless mutually agreed to commence earlier by both Captains. All division 2 matches shall be scheduled to start at 8pm unless mutually agreed to commence later by both Captains. Matchboard to be open to all players, from both Teams, 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the Match.
85) No player arriving after 9 p.m. shall be allowed to play unless agreed by both Captains.
86) Any team that may be expelled or resign from the League shall have their record expunged.
87) The official scorecards only shall be used and shall be signed by both captains. Both teams are responsible for sending the completed cards to the Records Secretary immediately after the game. All alterations to scorecards must be initialled by both Captains.
88) Prior to the commencement of a match the Captain shall print the names on the official scorecards and the games shall be played in the order entered thereon. No alteration to the order of play is to be made after the commencement of a match without the consent of both Captains. Byes must be marked on the cards first, from the bottom up. Marking the name of the player present from that team first, and then marking the word ‘BYE’ in the opponent’s column. No names of missing players shall be marked on the card. In the event of a game being put back and consequently not played, the name of the missing player must be crossed out and the word ‘BYE’ written beside it. Team members who do not play but attend the match shall be marked on the card as proof of attendance.
89) If a player, who is drawn in the singles and marked on the card, subsequently does not play her Game, the opposing player will receive a 2-0 win.
90) If a player, who is drawn in the Pairs and is marked on the card, subsequently does not play, the Captain may pick a replacement.
91) If a player is drawn to play in the Pairs only, allow the result of the game to count as an individual win or loss for that player.
92) The League Records Secretary must be notified of the Match Result no later than 48 hours following the completion of the Match. (By 11pm Fridays). Failure to do so will render the notifying team liable to a fine.
All result cards from League matches are to be sent, scanned and sent by email or a photo taken and sent by the whatsapp phone application to the League Records Secretary by midday Tuesday following matches. Failure to do so will render the sender liable to a fine. All other competition results to be sent to the league Secretary.
93) Teams should consist of between 6 and 10 players on each side and a match should consist of 6 single games and 2 pair’s games. Singles games will be played first, followed by the pair’s games. Players may play a maximum of 1 singles game and 1 pair’s game. If both teams are short of players then the number of games will be played accordingly. Draw for games will take place at 8:30pm. If either side are short at time of draw the game concerned may be put back in order of play if both Captains agree and held until 9 p.m. at which time the reserve will play. If reserve not available, game to opponent. In the result of Team(s) having less than 6 players, byes must be used to fill the gaps. Teams with a numerical advantage will be allowed to pick the byes prior to the draw being made. Where a Captain has identified a player or players to receive a bye, the player(s) name(s) is withdrawn from the draw. In the event of both sides having an even number of players short, the byes will be paired together, and the match will consist of less games. Once the byes have been picked and marked on the card as stated in the rules, the remaining names will be entered into the draw.
Captains may either pick their pairings up front or allow the opposing Captain to pick them for her. If the Captain picks her pairs up front, the pairings must still be drawn into position on the scorecard.
94) Each game shall be the best of three legs 401 up “straight” start and finishing on a double. Pairs games in Ladies Division 1 shall be best of three legs 501 up ‘straight’ start, finishing on a double. EACH GAME SHALL BE STARTED BY THROW AT THE CENTRE (FIRST DART TO BE THROWN BY AWAY TEAM PLAYER). WINNER OF THROW TO START FIRST LEG, LOSER OF THROW TO START SECOND LEG. IF GAME GOES TO A THIRD LEG THEN LOSER OF SECOND LEG THROWS FIRST FOR CENTRE. (If the first player hits the 50 then the dart should be removed).
95) Two points shall be awarded for a win and one point for a draw.
96) In the event of a tie on points, game difference, then games for, then wins, then legs for, then legs against and, if still equal, by points gained, then wins, then game difference, then games for, then legs for, then legs against between the two Teams involved, shall decide a Championship and the position in a Division. If all records are still equal between the teams concerned, they will play off at a neutral venue. The time and place to be decided by the Executive Committee.
97) Entrance fee will be required per team. All teams to enter, money to be paid with registration fee.
98) Teams shall consist of 8 players on each side, all of whom must be registered players of the team for the season concerned.
99) The Rules and Conditions of Play will be as follows: - three (3) pairs and four (4) singles.
100) Each game shall consist of, best three legs of 401 singles, & best of three legs 501 pairs; Players may enter both the singles and pairs games.
101) Entrance fee will be required per team. All teams to enter, money to be paid with registration fee.
102) Teams shall consist of 3 players on each side, all of whom must be registered players of the team for the season concerned. Each team to submit two teams of three. Teams with Nine or more registered players may enter a third team into the competition.
103) The Rules and Conditions of Play are those laid down for League matches.
104) Each match shall consist of the best of three legs, 601 up, “straight” start and finishing on a double. Subs can be introduced at the end of each completed leg.